Building resilience in young people with The Lemonade Project

Three of our academies have recently received wellbeing and resilience sessions from The Hive Youth Zone, in Birkenhead!
The award winning charity has a well equipped youth centre offering a variety of clubs, sports, mentoring, counselling and family gatherings.
Its state-of-the-art space is for young people aged 8-19, offering experiences and opportunities that they might not find elsewhere.
The 5 weekly sessions, known as ‘The Lemonade Project’, were delivered in Co-op Academy Portland, Co-op Academy Bebington and Co-op Academy Woodslee by Ella, a colleague from The Hive.
“The Lemonade Project is an initiative of Shared Health Foundation with the aim of building resilience in young people who are experiencing low levels of emotional wellbeing.
It is part of Shared Health Foundation’s wider strategy to improve mental health support for adolescents.
Our resources and training are perfect to help schools meet new PSHE requirements.” - The Lemonade Project
Jac Jenkins, teacher from Co-op Academy Portland, said:
“The Lemonade Project was a great opportunity for our children to develop their social and emotional skills. The children loved the opportunity and really warmed to the staff who were leading the workshop.”
Leanne Robinson, teacher from Co-op Academy Bebington, said:
“The sessions were really successful and the students enjoyed them and took away a lot of useful information! Sessions were really interactive as well as informative and the staff delivering from The Hive were really enthusiastic and relatable for the students.”
Deborah Zaher, Regional Community Development Manager, said:
“The Hive is an inspiring place to visit and offers a great deal to the youth community across the Wirral. Having someone from The Hive raise awareness of this in our schools has been valuable and we are so grateful to Ella for delivering this important project in our schools. We look forward to more work together in the future!”