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Congratulations on completing your education and achieving your exam results!

Celebrating stellar results with the 'Class of 2024' is a pleasure, and your achievements are truly remarkable. 

We share in the pride your family and friends feel today.

 Your excellent results are a testament to your dedication and hard work, and are richly deserved. Thanks also to our committed and hard working staff team for their support and guidance.

As you reflect on your school or college years, cherish the fond memories and the wide range of opportunities you experienced. 

Beyond grades; trips, sports, arts, music, and cultural enrichment activities have all been crucial in maximising your potential and preparing you for further success.

Below, we celebrate some exceptional achievements from our students who have shown resilience and exceeded expectations. Although we can’t write about all our leavers, we are extremely proud of you all.

We wish you every success in your future endeavours. Congratulations once again!

All the very best for the future,

Dr. Chris Tomlinson. CEO, Co-op Academies Trust

Greater Manchester

Jamie - Co-op Academy Manchester

Jamie is the first to admit that in Year 7, he didn’t want to learn and was never present in lessons.

But five years on, Jamie is described by his teachers as a hard working student who is dedicated to his studies and is a polite, well-mannered young man.

He is on track to receive a good set of results that show a remarkable amount of progress from his SATS and Year 7 outcomes.

Jamie’s dyslexia made it difficult for him to learn and led to him trying to avoid the classroom, but a few years ago he realised that he needed to change his mindset. It’s clear that Jamie’s passion for Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has been instrumental in helping him focus.

When asked what MMA means to him he says, “It’s my life. This is what I love”.

Jamie attends his gym six times a week and has developed an admirable amount of discipline from his training - which in turn has helped him in his school life.

Jamie talks about the support he has received from his father and mother who challenged him when he was making poor decisions and supported him in every way to focus on his goals.

In school he has worked extremely hard in lessons, building strong relationships with his teachers and his SEND key worker Mr Jowett. What is striking about Jamie is how he has taken responsibility for his future and pushed himself to make the most of every opportunity.

In my time as a teacher I have never seen a student strive to achieve success as much as Jamie. He has shown a level of maturity far beyond his years. I have no doubts that he will use all of his qualities to become a success.

Jamie’s teacher, Mr Small


Jamie aspires to pursue his passion for MMA at some of the world’s most prestigious training centres and he hopes to travel to succeed in his hobby. He has a plan in place to get there - studying Business in college next year alongside one day a week of work; earning and learning to set himself up in business and ultimately to continue his MMA journey.

Stephanie - Co-op Academy Manchester

During the week-long residential scheme, Stephanie returned from the ‘Universify’ Programme at Somerville College, University of Oxford, buzzing with excitement.

Having no family or friends who had attended a UK university, she wasn't sure what to expect.

Being away from home was a new experience, yet she came back confident and inspired, having fully embraced the opportunity.

During the week-long residential scheme, she made new friends and challenged herself to speak in front of a large audience. Her time at Co-op Academy Manchester has allowed her to interact with diverse people, cultures, and ideas, which prepared her well for meeting young people from across the country.

Initially, Stephanie felt the pressure during her first mock exams and found it daunting to enter the exam hall. However, she felt much calmer and confident approaching her GCSEs.

She has attended countless booster sessions organised by her teachers and even reached out for extra work to ensure she is thoroughly prepared. Stephanie is determined to exceed her predicted grades wherever possible.

Stephanie is a kind, hardworking, and dedicated student whom I have had the pleasure of teaching since Year 9. In maths, she has gone from strength-to-strength, and I am excited to see what she will achieve in her GCSEs and her future career.

Stephanie's Maths teacher, Mrs Schurok


She is a mature, thoughtful, and intelligent young lady who shows great ambition for the future.

Stephanie's Art teacher, Mrs Wright


Stephanie has been offered places at some of Manchester’s most prestigious colleges, where she plans to study Physics and Maths. She aims to build on these A Levels with a university course in Engineering or Architecture while continuing to explore her talent in art.

Toby - Co-op Academy North Manchester

During his five years at Co-op Academy North Manchester, Toby has embraced every opportunity that has been available to him both inside and outside of the classroom, and has made a tremendous contribution to the school community.

Toby has particularly enjoyed his studies in science, maths, music and business and intends to study biology, physics and maths at Connell Co-op College.

He has his sights set on being a paramedic, having been inspired by his father to go into the profession, and he intends to go on to study paramedic science at university.

Toby has always juggled his studies alongside a number of extra-curricular commitments. He plays the trombone to a very high standard and plays in the academy’s Big Band. He has also supported the Matilda production as stage crew and, as a prefect, has volunteered to help at various school events, including Progress Evenings.

Outside of school, Toby is a Sergeant in the Air Cadets and has played the trombone with the Royal Marines at the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. He is rifle trained and a qualified rifle coach. He has also demonstrated his leadership skills by planning an introductory programme for new recruits to the Army Cadets.

Toby has admitted that it has been difficult to remain focused on his GCSEs with all of his other interests but he has managed to do this very successfully and is an excellent ambassador for the academy.

Toby's journey at Co-op Academy North Manchester serves as an inspiration, showcasing the remarkable achievements that can be attained through dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace opportunities for growth and development.

Amira - Co-op Academy North Manchester

Amira joined Co-op Academy North Manchester from Bermuda in November of Year 7 and quickly settled in, embracing every opportunity with enthusiasm and determination.

Academically, Amira excels in Art, Health and Social Care, and Maths.

She has a particular interest in Sport and envisions a future in fields such as Sports Journalism, Archaeology, or Art Therapy. To pursue her passions, Amira plans to undertake a Level 3 BTEC in Sport, Art, and History, approaching her studies with an open mind and a commitment to making the most of her educational experience.

From the start, Amira immersed herself in the academy's extra-curricular activities, attending clubs like Art, Rounders, and Debate Mate. She has also taken on leadership roles, serving as a Sports Leader and Lunchtime Activities Leader in Year 9. Currently, she is a prefect and regularly volunteers to support school events.

Outside of school, Amira is a talented tennis player, having been ranked number one in Bermuda for under-12s and number two for under-14s. Her passion for tennis began at the age of three, and she now trains rigorously, with four sessions per week. Amira has competed in numerous competitions, including the prestigious David Lloyd tournaments. She was chosen to represent Bermuda on two occasions, but funding issues and a serious triceps injury prevented her from participating. Despite these setbacks, she dreams of representing her country in the near future and aspires to watch the Grand Slam at Wimbledon, having already attended the Davis Cup at the AO Arena.

Embodying the value of ‘commitment’, Amira’s motto, "The only thing limiting you is you," resonates deeply. Her resilience, versatility, and unwavering dedication to personal growth make her an invaluable member of our school community. We eagerly anticipate the remarkable achievements that lie ahead in her journey.

Maci - Connell Co-op College

Maci, a former student of Droylsden Academy, is currently studying Triple Sport and Exercise Science BTEC at Connell Co-op College.

She has recently accepted an offer to pursue a Chiropractic MSci (Hons) degree at Teesside University.

This healthcare profession focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and their effects on the nervous system and overall health and Maci becomes the first Connell student to enrol in a chiropractic course at university.

Upon graduation, she aspires to work in New Zealand, where Teesside University has established contacts to support her transition.

During her time at Connell, Maci has actively engaged in various enrichment activities. She has participated in volleyball, gained valuable work experience shadowing a physiotherapist, completed a first aid course at the Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, and volunteered as a referee for children’s tournaments at Manchester City Football Club.

I would highly recommend Connell as you are greeted with a friendly and welcoming environment each day, as well as being provided with an impeccable support system. At Connell, the teachers ensure you and your work are prioritised, helping to optimise your progress and future achievements.



Maci has exemplified the true spirit of academic excellence and dedication throughout her college journey. Her outstanding grades, willingness to seize every opportunity, and perfect attendance are a testament to her hard work and determination. As she embarks on her next chapter to become a chiropractor, we are confident that her exceptional skills and commitment will continue to lead her to success. Congratulations, Maci, on all your achievements!

Erin Rosenberg, Director of Next Steps and Teacher of PE


Lily - Connell Co-op College

Lily, joined Connell Co-op College from Alder Community High School. She is currently studying Triple BTEC Sport, Coaching, and Development.

Lily has accepted a one-year scholarship with Manchester City Women's Football Club (MCWFC).

While she currently trains with the team twice a week, she will soon join full-time and follow their rigorous training schedule. By the end of the year, Lily hopes to secure a professional contract with the club. If unsuccessful, she plans to pursue her football coaching badges or become a physical trainer.

Her dedication and talent have not gone unnoticed. Lily won the Sportswoman of the Year award at our end-of-year awards ceremony, due to her involvement with MCWFC's first team and her selection to represent England Women’s Under-19s in recent competitions.

Lily has also been actively involved in volunteering. She has coached football at local primary schools within Manchester City’s indoor dome and has refereed several local primary school matches.

I have really enjoyed my time at Connell because I made friends for life and enjoyed all the opportunities the college offered. The nutrition module was the most interesting thing I learned about. My favourite memory is the variety of sports I could play as part of the practical element of my course. What I will miss most about college is the different opportunities to take part in alongside your studies.



Lily has been the perfect example of an exceptional and dedicated student athlete. It’s not easy to balance a busy and demanding football schedule alongside a Triple BTEC course. Lily now joins a list of a number of girls from Connell who have progressed into the MCWFC first team. All of our staff are really proud of her and wish her the best of luck in the future.

Lily's BTEC Sport Tutor, Ryan Usher


Mei - Co-op Academy Failsworth

Mei is a remarkable student whose journey through school is a testament to her resilience, determination, and curiosity.

Known for her strong work ethic and fantastically dry sense of humour, Mei has made a lasting impression on everyone at Co-op Academy Failsworth.

Her commitment to excellence has driven her to grow into a confident young person who is always willing to seek and accept support to achieve her goals.

Mei's journey has not been without challenges. Despite facing social barriers in her early years at Failsworth, Mei's warm personality and genuine interest in others helped her build strong friendships.

Mei has become an active voice in the school's SEN department, advocating for a more inclusive and supportive environment. Her efforts have made a meaningful impact, creating a welcoming atmosphere for other students facing similar challenges and earning her the respect and admiration of her peers and teachers alike.

Mei's achievements reflect her unwavering commitment to excellence and her remarkable ability to overcome formidable obstacles. She embodies the spirit of perseverance, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and learning. Her contributions to the school community have been invaluable, and her positive influence will be missed.

Looking ahead, Mei has ambitions to become a paediatric nutritionist. Her dedication and passion for helping others makes her well-suited for this career path. We are all incredibly proud of Mei and confident that she will go on to achieve great things.

Her journey is an inspiration to us all, and we eagerly anticipate hearing about her future successes.

Taylor - Co-op Academy Failsworth

Taylor is a popular and characterful student who has faced considerable challenges during his time at Co-op Academy Failsworth.

Taylor spent some extended time in hospital where he was seriously ill, which caused him to miss significant parts of his GCSE programmes.

Despite this, Taylor has shown remarkable resilience and determination. Upon his return to the academy on a phased schedule, Taylor worked closely with the pastoral team and his teachers to catch up on missed work and focus on areas for development.

His hardwork and dedication paid off, earning him excellent predicted GCSE grades and achieving an impressive 93% attendance in his final year, an 18% improvement from Year 10.

Taylor's commitment, perseverance and positive attitude throughout his final year has served as an inspiration to his peers and teachers alike. Looking ahead, Taylor plans to study Bricklaying at Oldham College after his GCSEs.

We are all incredibly impressed with the progress he has made and are confident that he will continue to impress everyone around him with his dedication and skill. 

Luke - Co-op Academy Walkden

Luke has proven himself to be a dedicated and driven student over the course of his studies at Co-op Academy Walkden. He has consistently shown focus and determination which has resulted in a fantastic set of GCSE results.

Not only has Luke demonstrated these qualities in school but he has managed to do this whilst balancing his training commitments for Salford City as a very gifted swimmer with Olympic ambitions; an incredible achievement and one that we are all very proud of.

Teaching staff describe Luke as hardworking, polite and mature.

Luke has consistently modelled the behaviour and attributes required for success in school and has been a standout example for his peers and the lower school.

Luke's Physics Teacher


I could not be prouder of what Luke has achieved, from starting Spanish from scratch in Year 10 to achieving a top grade at GCSE. He is an absolute credit to himself and the school

Luke's Spanish Teacher


Luke now goes on to Pendleton College to study engineering and we wish him every success

Stephanie - Co-op Academy Walkden

Stephanie is like a breath of fresh air.” These words from her English teacher perfectly capture the essence of Stephanie, and it’s a sentiment shared by all who know her. 

From the moment she started at Co-op Walkden as a quiet EAL (English as an Additional Language)

student, Stephanie has demonstrated a positive attitude and an infectious enthusiasm for learning.

Over the years, she has blossomed into a confident, articulate, and engaging young lady.

Stephanie has a brilliant sense of humour and can lighten the mood in any lesson. She should be immensely proud of the progress she has made and the exceptional person she has become.

Stephanie's French Teacher


Stephanie’s impact extends beyond the classroom. Her business teacher noted how Stephanie consistently shows she cares by supporting her peers whenever she can. This compassionate nature, combined with her academic dedication, has made her a cherished member of the school community.

Stephanie’s hard work and determination have truly paid off. She has seized every opportunity offered to her, and she is now going on to study Psychology, Health and Social Care, and Modern History at Winstanley College.

We wish her every success in her future endeavours and know that she is going to go on to great things.

Staffordshire and Merseyside 

Joe - Co-op Academy Bebington

Joe is a determined young person who has encountered many barriers in his learning journey. However, he has overcome them with a commendable attitude and a desire to exceed expectations.

In Year 11, Joe was disappointed with his GCSE results, despite them being representative of his predictions.

At this point he considered enrolling on a Level 2 vocational qualification at the local college, however he felt that his learning journey with Co-op Academy Bebington was not complete and that academically he was capable of more.

He enrolled in a one-year Level 2 programme and excelled, completing his Work Skills programme to a high level and working exceptionally hard to gain grade 4s in both resits of GCSE English and Mathematics. As a result of this exceptional performance he was accepted onto Level 3 courses, studying A Level Media Studies and Level 3 BTECs in Business and IT.

There was a question at the time of whether he would be capable of progressing into Level 3, however, we felt he deserved the opportunity due to his consistent hard work. Since progressing to Level 3, Joe has really embraced the step up to higher level courses and he is predicted to achieve good grades in all three subjects in the summer. This has encouraged Joe to apply for university and he has been offered a conditional place at Liverpool John Moores to study Business Management.

Three years ago, this option would have seemed unlikely and shows how hard he has been working. 

I am grateful for all of the opportunities that the school has given me. From where I was three years ago to where I am now is a complete difference, and the school has encouraged me to push myself all of the way. I am still undecided on my next steps, but the fact that university is now an option when it would have seemed like a dream in Year 11 shows me how far I've come.



Billy - Co-op Academy Bebington

Billy transferred to Co-op Academy Bebington in Year 10 after facing challenges at his previous school.

The supportive environment at Bebington allowed him to excel, resulting in excellent GCSE grades. As a result, Billy decided to continue his studies into Sixth Form.

Choosing to pursue a Level 3 BTEC in Performing Arts, as well as A Levels in Film and English Combined. During his transition to KS5, Billy participated in the National Citizenship Service (NCS) programme in partnership with the school.

After successfully completing the programme and raising significant funds for local charities, he was invited to join the NCS youth panel, contributing to the organisation's future direction. This involvement also allowed him to follow his passion for performing arts, leading to his recruitment for NCS's national moving image advertising campaign. This provided vital experience in a professional environment and cemented his desire to pursue a career in performing arts.

Thanks to the school's close links with the Liverpool Empire, Billy was offered the opportunity to join the Liverpool Empire Youth Group, an organisation that provides high-quality theatre placements and master classes with industry professionals, funded by the school.

Billy has since participated in two high-quality productions, gaining invaluable experience and further solidifying his career aspirations in performing arts. At school, Billy has applied to Queen Mary College in London to study performing arts.

His dedication and commitment have earned him the prestigious position of Senior Member of the Head’s Executive (formerly Head Boy).

Mia - Co-op Academy Bebington

Mia had a rocky start to Year 7 at Co-op Academy Bebington. Her attendance nearly led to being issued transfer papers as she disliked school so much and would come up with excuses not to attend.

After the 2020 lockdown, we witnessed a dramatic change and Mia came back to school determined to succeed!

With each passing year, Mia's unwavering commitment and hard work has transformed her into a model student who has smashed her academic targets. She embraced her studies, pouring herself into every lesson, assignment and intervention.

Initially showing an interest in law, Mia managed to organise her own work experience in a law firm in Year 10. She has now set her sights on a career as a doctor. Her self-belief is an inspiration to others and we challenge anyone to stand in her way.

She has a hilarious dry-witted humour and is a good friend to many in her year group. Staff always comment on how conscientious she is and how she strives to achieve her potential.

Gifted and talented in English and Spanish, Mia is exceeding in most of her GCSE subjects.

Through sheer hard work and determination, Mia has improved her maths by two grades since the start of year 11. She has attended every single online tutoring session, after school, holiday intervention and maths masterclass, in addition to working independently through some of the higher tier topics in order to achieve a better maths grade.

With her sights set firmly on the future, Mia is poised to continue her academic journey, eager to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. Mia's story serves as a reminder that it's never too late to turn things around.

We are very proud of you, Mia.

Lilly - Co-op Academy Bebington

Lilly has always been an amazing student. She is a polite, well-mannered young lady who is always seen with a smile on her face! She consistently gives 100% to any task and is known for her hard work and dedication.

However, in Year 9, Lilly faced significant personal battles that threatened her education and future.

During this difficult time, she missed many hours of school. Her worried form rallied around her, sending positive affirmations and well-wishes. Everyone missed her terribly and eagerly awaited her return to school.

At the start of Year 10, the school proposed starting Lilly on a reduced timetable to ensure she felt supported and not overwhelmed. But Lilly had other ideas, and was determined to fully immerse herself in her studies. This marked the beginning of Lilly’s remarkable comeback.

Academically, Lilly’s performance has been exemplary. She excels in all her subjects and is ranked among the top performers in Year 11. Concerned for others, she shares her knowledge with peers to help them improve.

Lilly goes above and beyond, participating in every intervention, masterclass, and revision session, often bringing originality and flair. Lilly’s story is a powerful reminder that with perseverance, it is possible to overcome life’s challenges and achieve greatness.

Her dedication is evident not only in her outstanding target grades but also in her thirst for knowledge, positive mindset, and unwavering commitment to success.

We are incredibly proud of how far she has come. Lilly, you deserve every success and happiness.

Well done, you’ve smashed it!

Clara - Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent

Clara, is one of four Year 11's at Co-op Academy Stoke who have secured 110% scholarships to boarding school for sixth form.
Her dedication to both academia and opera has led to this remarkable achievement.

From an early age, Clara showed a passion for music and joined the choir when she enrolled at the Academy.

Undeterred by the pandemic and lockdown, she taught herself operatic singing using YouTube which led to her talent taking her to various events, including a prestigious awards dinner in Telford where she performed for world champion heptathlete Katarina Johnson-Thompson.

Despite initial academic challenges, Clara persevered.

I’d like to thank my teachers for giving me a lot of support,” she said. “I was slow to learn and teachers had to put in a lot of effort to help me



I am very proud of Clara for being awarded a scholarship to study in Durham this September. Not only is she a hardworking student, but she is a wonderful young person who excels in everything she puts her mind to. She has a very bright future ahead.

Clara's English teacher, Ms. Slater


Clara made the most of all the opportunities available to her at Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent, eventually becoming Head Girl after years of involvement in community projects and volunteering.

We can’t wait to hear about her progress at Durham and see her performing opera on the world stage one day!

Ashley - Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent

Ashley has truly excelled in PE throughout his time at Co-op Academy Stoke-on-Trent, demonstrating exceptional dedication and enthusiasm in his BTEC PE class.

His passion for football is evident in everything he does, and it's been an absolute joy to witness his journey.

Not only has he trained as an official FA referee, but he has also fully committed to his classwork, going above and beyond by completing extra mock papers and consistently prioritising his studies.

Ashley's hard work and dedication have made him a shining example in his PE class and beyond. His involvement as a referee in grassroots football leagues for the FA showcases his commitment to the sport, and we have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his sports qualification in college.

Moreover, Ashley's positive attitude and exemplary conduct make him a superb ambassador and role model for sport. He is going on to study Level 3 BTEC PE at college, and we are confident that his early success as a referee will continue into his professional career.

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach him, and I'm confident that he will continue to inspire others with his passion, dedication, and outstanding work ethic. Keep up the fantastic work, Ashley!

Ashley's PE teacher, Mrs. Chilton


West Yorkshire 

Sameer - Co-op Academy Grange

At age 12, Sameer faced an unimaginable tragedy when he lost his father to Covid in June 2020. Just six weeks later, his mother also passed away.

Initially, Sameer struggled to cope with his emotions, feeling trapped in a "bad nightmare" that wouldn't end.

As the youngest of three siblings, he found it difficult to manage everyday tasks and masked his emotions while dealing with such profound loss at a young age. Despite the immense grief, Sameer’s supportive family helped him find the strength to take each day as it came.

His friends were also a source of love and comfort during his toughest times. At school, Sameer’s mentor encouraged him to pursue counselling and open up about his feelings, providing him with the wraparound care he needed. This support gave him the confidence to move forward.

Sameer is now on track to complete 8 GCSEs this summer and has never felt so good. He was recently part of a group of students who attended a careers fair at Elland Road, where he spoke with various tutors and graduates.

A conversation with a business student inspired him to study business, marking a turning point in his life. Sameer now aspires to pursue a career in marketing and dreams of one day being on The Apprentice.

Even though you might be at your lowest, there's always someone or something to help you get back on your feet. You always have an inner strength. You don't know until you tap into it. Keep going and don't give up. If I can do it, then so can you!

Sameer shared his message of resilience


Nour - Co-op Academy Grange


Nour came to the UK as a refugee in 2019, seeking a new life with her family. When she arrived at Co-op Academy Grange, she spoke no English and was a shy and timid 11-year-old, fearful of attending school.

She attended the school's "Fresh Start" programme, an in-house intervention designed for students who need intensive support in building their English Language skills.

Fresh Start helped me speak English; they built my confidence and told me not to be scared as I would learn English as I went along. My favourite teacher is Mr. Bradshaw because he helped me a lot. I am so grateful for him. In Year 7, I used to hate going to English, but now it's my favourite subject!


Every school holiday, Nour volunteers at a local charity in Bradford City Centre that supports refugees. She provides support for young people who have escaped war-torn countries, distributes food packs to families in need, and helps young people access Maths and ESOL classes. Nour finds joy in volunteering because she is "helping people."

Through her volunteer work, Nour discovered an interest in childcare. One of the charity managers introduced her to the field, explaining what she needed to do to become a qualified childminder. Nour is on track to study Level 2 Childcare at Bradford College in September 2024. She is passionate and driven, eager to give back to the country that has given her so much.

Well done, Nour. You are amazing!

Ali - Co-op Academy Leeds

Ali was born in America to Egyptian parents and moved to the UK in 2020, midway through Year 7.

Having lived in America, Egypt, and the UK, he has enjoyed learning about new cultures and languages.

These experiences have given him confidence in his ability to adapt to new situations with resilience and optimism, helping him embrace the diverse cultures at Co-op Academy Leeds.

Ali is set to achieve outstanding academic results and is a valued member of the school football, softball, and basketball teams.

I really enjoyed my time at the academy due to its diverse and welcoming community. Teachers and students alike made me feel at home, embrace high school, and be myself. Lessons learnt from my time at Co-op Academy Leeds include valuable morals and ethics, cultural appreciation, an understanding of inclusivity, and the importance of diversity and coexistence. My advice to younger students is to try everything and take advantage of all the opportunities offered to you since they might not ever reappear later in life.



Ali is inquisitive and loves problem-solving in all its forms. He creates efficient algorithms for emerging technological problems and navigates the complexity of international relations. This broad perspective has made Ali a confident and independent researcher and reader. His ambition and positivity have allowed him to thrive. Over the years, he has become more introspective and self-critical, often reflecting in the Faith Room about life and his future. Ali is hugely grateful for all the incredible support he has received at school in catapulting him to the next stage of his journey to progress and success.

Mr. Azam, Ali’s Computer Science teacher


Lillia - Co-op Academy Leeds

Lillia is an outstanding student who is set to achieve outstanding outcomes in her GCSEs.

Though COVID lockdowns impacted on her attainment in Key Stage 3, she worked diligently upon the resumption of normality and has worked tremendously hard towards her goal of becoming a surgeon.

In addition to her academic success, Lillia is an extremely talented musician and she won the Key Stage 4 Vocalist of the Year award at this year's Co-op Academies Trust Young Musician of The Year.

You must have a good balance between school and social life in order to succeed; having a good support group inside and outside of school motivates and encourages you to do well. I have been lucky enough to have some great friends who are as dedicated to their studies as I am and there are also many staff at the academy who I feel comfortable asking for help. During my time at the academy, not only has my confidence in certain subjects skyrocketed, but my grades have too!

Lillia attributing her success to having a fantastic support network


Lillia is an incredible human being. Her determination and hardworking disposition have meant she has gone from strength-to-strength in the sciences. Clearly passionate about her studies, her desire to learn seems never ending. A team player, Lillia regularly helps her classmates and friends achieve too. She has worked incredibly hard in preparation for her exams and I wholeheartedly believe the sky's the limit for her. I am incredibly proud to have been able to watch and support Lillia’s journey in Biology and wish her every success in the future.

Lillia's Biology teacher, Mr Priestley


Darren - Co-op Academy Southfield

Darren came to Co-op Academy Southfield from a mainstream primary school in year 7 and was placed in an enhanced designated specialist provision for students with high functioning autism.

Darren immediately showed promise in a number of curriculum subjects and had a special aptitude for mental arithmetic.

Darren was hindered by his low self confidence and fear of failure. He wore his hair long so that it covered his face almost entirely and rarely spoke to anybody other than to a small handful of trusted adults.

When work became difficult and Darren lost confidence, he would simply stop. He wouldn't argue, become abusive or abscond. He would just politely put his equipment down and stop working. There was really nothing to be done about it and he would calmly remind staff " Don't get wound up about it, you're wasting your time. I'm not doing any more so there is no point in falling out" At this stage Darren was heavily reliant on the support structures around him and his mum's aspirations were for him to be able to maintain 'normal relationships' and manage stressful situations in a positive manner.

Darren is now in year 14 and his journey through Southfield has been unimaginable. This year he will sit his Level 2 qualifications in numeracy and literacy. He has engaged with a thorough transition programme to Bradford College where he has been accepted onto a Level 2 computing course and has a close network of trusted friends who he plans to keep in regular contact with when he leaves school.

Last year, Darren attended a week long outdoor activity residential in the lake district where he really pushed himself, attempting a number of activities that put his courage and resilience to the test.

Darren's self confidence has massively improved, he is a smiley and vocal student who always behaves in a responsible and positive way. He has developed a massive range of independence skills and talks proudly about the support he is able to provide for his mum.

Darren plans to get into the world of work within the next year and states that his main motivation for this is so that he can pay for his mum to go on holiday as a thank you for all of the support that she has given him over the years.

Khansa - Co-op Academy Southfield

Khansa is an integral part of the Co-op Academy Southfield community.

Despite her complex health needs, which impact all aspects of her life, Khansa's love for learning and enthusiasm for school remain unwavering.

She has demonstrated remarkable resilience over the years, consistently trying her best with the support of teachers, support staff, and carers, who have all found ways to adapt learning and supporting Khansa to be as independent as possible.

Throughout her school life, Khansa has faced and overcome numerous challenges. Her health requires frequent absences for treatment and appointments, yet she quickly catches up with her learning upon her return.

Communication has been another hurdle, but Khansa now confidently uses her AAC eye gaze device, which includes a vast array of symbols to support her communication both at home and at school. This device allows her to fully engage and participate in every lesson.

Khansa’s confidence in expressing her wants and needs has significantly progressed, and she can write sentences and ask questions using her device. If technology fails, she effectively uses an E-Tran frame.

Khansa also shines as a Co-op Young Leader, representing the school with pride. She has presented to new Southfield parents, participated in teacher interviews, and spoken in assemblies, using her device to write and answer questions confidently.

Khansa has built strong friendships with her classmates and enjoys socialising, listening to music, and talking about beauty.

Now, Khansa is preparing for the next step in her learning journey. “I am excited to go to college and meet new friends,” she shares.

She plans to leave Co-op Academy Southfield to attend Shipley College, and we wish her every success in her future endeavours.

Some lovely moment from results day 2024 across the Trust.