Co-op Young Leaders

The CYL (Co-op Young Leaders) training programme has shown remarkable engagement over the past few months. Daniela Faldusova, the CYL lead, delivered the programme in 13 academies and has trained around 150 new Co-op Young Leaders.
A new development, is the introduction of job descriptions and personal specifications for the Co-op Young Leader roles. This structured approach allows students to formally apply for their positions, fostering a professional environment and encouraging them to take ownership of their responsibilities.
There were 20 CYLs trained at Co-op Academy Leeds as Young Interpreters. Welcoming and supporting new EAL (English as and Additional Language) students around the academy and to be at the forefront of all parental engagement and cultural events. This fosters a sense of pride in their multilingual abilities and highlights the importance of maintaining and celebrating students’ heritage languages around the school and in the community.
The CYLs at Co-op Academy Nightingale were trained to be involved in various roles around the school. They assist with playground activities during breaks and lunches. They support their peers as mental health ambassadors and welcome new EAL pupils to their school.
Students at Co-op Academy Southfield have the CYL programme embedded in their Careers programme. CYLs run the Co-op store onsite, deliver assemblies, run year 6 transition days and fundraise. All these initiatives contribute to the personal and academic growth of the students.
‘I think it has benefited me by teaching me how to communicate with people who I do not know.’
‘I am more confident, and can communicate to people who don't speak the same language.’
Staff reported how much the students engaged with the CYL workshop and gained an understanding of what being a leader looks like and the ways they could develop their leadership skills in school. Students have now taken an active part in transition parents meetings for year 6 students joining the school in September. They are currently setting up a mock election ahead of 4th July with their peers in KS4. The CYL are keen to share their successes with Daniela and are extremely proud to be Co-op Young Leaders, wearing their hoodies every day!
The new CYL applications foster a professional environment and encourage taking ownership of their responsibilities. I look forward to continuing this journey and witnessing further achievements from our talented students. Thank you for your continued support in making the CYL programme a success.