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  • How does governance in lockdown feel?

    Published 31/07/20

    I became Acting Chair at Co-op Academy Delius shortly before lockdown

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  • Saying goodbye!

    Published 22/07/20

    Every July we say goodbye to Year 6 and Year 11 students at our academies.

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  • Supporting families and keeping the ‘sparkle’ in lockdown

    Published 10/07/20

    When I was asked to write this Blog, I knew immediately that I wanted to write about families and how we support them at Co-op Academy Delius.

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  • Celebrating VE Day

    Published 07/07/20

    Today is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, it marks the end of fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe during World War Two.

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  • Celebrating Co-op Fortnight- Let’s build something together

    Published 03/07/20

    Lockdown: It’s been a funny old time. 

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  • Come out as an Ally!

    Published 22/06/20

    This advice has been created using resources from Co-op Respect and Stonewall.

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  • How to adapt- making Year 6 to 7 transition virtual

    Published 18/06/20

    In normal times as Director of Transition I would be very busy having face to face meetings with all the Year 6 staff.

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  • Co-op to fund free school meals throughout summer holidays

    Published 16/06/20

    6,000 Co-op Academy students to continue to receive food vouchers to ensure kids don’t go hungry during the holidays

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  • Managing wellbeing during lockdown

    Published 11/06/20

    In my normal life I am always busy, moving around school checking in on my year 7 students, planning and teaching.

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  • Will you take part in #MyGreenChange?

    Published 05/06/20

    Today is World Environment Day, so we’re encouraging people to take part in #MyGreenChange Month.

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  • More Good News from Co-op Academies Trust

    Published 04/06/20

    The last few months have been hard, scary and strange.

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  • A day in the life of Mr. Trower

    Published 07/05/20

    Normally, I’m in school, sat behind my desk by 7.10am every morning.

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