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Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report


Gender pay gap

Co-op Academies Trust is required by law to carry out gender pay gap reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.  This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men & women in our organisation, but does not involve publishing individual colleagues’ data.

We are required to publish the results on our own website and to a government website where the results from other organisations can also be viewed.

Gender pay reporting requires us to make calculations based on colleague gender, and their pay during March 2024.  We have done this by using our existing payroll records, and following the approach to reporting set out in government guidance. We can use these results to assess the levels of gender equality in the Trust, in relation to pay, and the balance of male and female employees at different levels.

This is our eighth annual report.

We believe that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across the Trust.  We use pay scales based on the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document for teachers and academy-based leaders. For support staff, we use the NJC job evaluation framework and pay scales, within the grading structures adopted in each local authority area.

However, it is clear from our data that we continue to employ more men in higher paid roles (leadership or senior teaching, and predominantly full time), and fewer men in lower paid roles (teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors, cleaning & catering, many of which are part time).

Pay gap

On the snapshot date (31 March 2024) there were 2847 full-pay relevant employees, of which 23% were men and 77% were women.

Overall, the women’s hourly rate was:

16.6% lower (mean) than men

17.3% lower (median) than men

Pay quartiles
How many men & women are in each quarter of the Trust’s payroll?
  Men Women
Top quartile 32.9% 67.1%
Upper middle quartile 24.7% 75.3%
Lower middle quartile 24.4% 75.6%
Lower quartile 10.3% 89.7%

Ethnicity pay gap

Although there is no legal requirement to carry out ethnicity pay gap reporting, Co-op Academies Trust has chosen to do this. This is our third report.

We have followed guidance published nationally by the CIPD, and also mirrored our approach to calculating the gender pay gap. This also gives us the ability to compare our gender and ethnicity pay gaps.

  March 2024
Number of staff 2847
% white 67%
% other ethnicity 16%
% not stated 17%
Mean pay gap 15.7%
Median pay gap 14.4%
Q1 (white) 80.6%
Q2 (white) 68.4%
Q3 (white) 65.6%
Q4 (white) 53.4%

Note: we have followed guidance produced by the CIPD, and have compared:

    • all white colleagues (white British, white Irish, other white, gypsy & Irish traveller), with
    • all other ethnicities